Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Jack Bauer is ALIVE

Hey friends. Just wanted to let you know that we had a very inspired encounter the other night. We were in the "meatpacking" district of New York City (Manhattan) dropping off some helpful literature at the local taverns, when we saw JACK BAUER.

The good news: he is OK. We didn't want to pry as we're sure the last 6 months have been very trying for him, but he apparently found some way to escape from the Chinese. We're not sure if he's in NY doing counter-terrorism work (hope NOT), but he looked ok given all the he has been through in the last 5 years.

The bad news: it appears Jack uses alcohol as a "crutch" (aid) to help him cope with all the difficulties in his life (dead wife, dead co-workers, being clinically dead once, etc.). We tried to gently counsel him, but he was in "that place" so we didn't push the issue. We just wish he'd tap into the Keg of Christ: it's always full, no foam, and no hangover.

Despite his alcohol abuse, he was a wonderfully pleasant man, and we appreciated his fellowship.

Keep Jack Bauer in your prayers.

Monday, March 20, 2006

His name is Gideon Lamb too!

Hey, look at this! It's another Gideon Lamb!

I was cruising around the interweb today after my daily fun-run (remember, your body is a temple! (not like a Jewish temple (unless you're Jewish))) and I thought it would be fun to google myself. I've been hearing from the Youth that googling yourself is becoming very popular. It felt a little weird at first, but then I got into it. And look what I found!

This Gideon is now happily married and residing in Missouri. He's a philosophy teacher (all of us Gideon Lamb's are "deep thinkers"!) and he has a beautiful bride. Their reception was held at a place called "Beaver Meadows." It sounds like a beautiful place. I wish them all the best!


Gideon Lamb (not the Missouri one!)

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Live From Crouch End!

That's the name of the neighborhood where we performed on Sunday. It was our first time performing in front of British people, so we were pretty nervous! But we made some new friends and finally got the chance to meet some Scottish people (we'd heard a lot about them, but had never seen one up close). In truth, they're really not that different from regular British people (though they were a little louder).

We had a big show last night (for 400 people!) that went really great. A lovely Muslim man came up to us after the show to tell us how much he enjoyed it. That really meant a lot to us, because we think fellowship with other exotic cultures is very important!

Tonight we have our last show, and then we're back on the "big plane" to the "homeland." It's been a really amazing trip. Even though we can see why our forefathers wanted to leave, The United Kingdom (Britain/England) is a really great place! Thanks England!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Heathrow: our kind of airport!

Now this is our kind of airport! Needless to say, we felt right at home.

Backstory: we made it!

Finally-- England!

Backstory: On the plane!

Sorry, we couldn't post photos earlier... this is us at the beginning of our transcontinental journey. Notice the foreign man in the background--truly an international experience!

Greetings from London!

Hello bloggers! Thanks for joining us on our trip to England. We finally made it after a long flight last night (thank you, Virgin Atlantic!). And you'll never guess where we are... Starbucks! Yes, even American companies thrive in the United Kingdom (England), it seems! We also saw a McDonalds.

We're both experiencing something that you may have heard about from others who have travelled "abroad"... it's called 'jet leg.' A fellow passenger warned us about it on the plane, but we had no idea how funny it would feel! Without getting too technical, it feels like the middle of the night (even though it's not) and our legs have barely any energy. Luckily, the Starbucks is right next to the hotel, because we're not ready for any "sight seeing" yet!

The people here are amazing... so many differences. Not just the accents, either. It's the little things. For example, it seems that all the ladies over here wear boots. It's fascinating. Plus, their buses have a second (double) level, which allows twice as many people to ride the bus. The English are very committed to mass transit. Go go go!

We'll be back tomorrow with more updates and some photos to share with you. Until then, cheerio (English goodbye)!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006